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Past Life Reading

(Reading) Astrological/Natal Chart Summary

RM 188.00
(Reading) Astrological/Natal Chart Summary Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


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Reading by: High Priestess Ariela

All Astrological Chart Readings will be sent as a PDF document.

A birth chart, also called a natal chart, is like a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment and place you were born. It shows where all the planets were, and from this, we can understand key aspects of your personality, life path, strengths, challenges, and more. Here's a quick breakdown of what you can expect from a birth chart done by me:

Sun Sign: This is your core self, your ego, and who you are at the deepest level. It's what most people know as their zodiac sign.

Moon Sign: This reflects your emotions, instincts, and how you feel deep inside, often shaping your emotional reactions.

Rising Sign (Ascendant): This is the version of you that others see when they first meet you. It’s like the "mask" you wear in social situations.

Planet Placements: Each planet rules different areas of life (like communication, love, and drive). The sign and house they’re in tell us how these aspects of your personality show up in daily life.

North Node: Your karmic path and destiny; what you're here to grow into and explore in this lifetime.

South Node: What you’ve mastered in past lives and where you tend to fall back into comfort but need to move beyond.

Black Moon Lilith: Your shadow self, the parts of you that are repressed or denied, and the raw, primal energy you hold.

Chiron: Your deepest wounds, but also where you have the greatest potential to heal yourself and others.

Pallas: Your wisdom, strategy, and the way you use your creative intelligence to solve problems.

Vesta: Your sacred duty, spirituality, and where you devote yourself with focus and discipline.

Ceres: How you nurture yourself and others, including themes around motherhood, health, and fertility.

Juno: Your approach to partnerships and marriage; how you commit and what you value in long-term relationships.

Part of Fortune: The areas of life where you’ll find joy, abundance, and success.

A birth chart is a unique blueprint of your life and personality; it helps you understand yourself on a deeper level, including your potential and areas for growth.

Required Information

  • First name (optional)
  • Date of birth (important and required)
  • Time of birth (important and required) - if you do not know your time of birth, I can still proceed with the reading, but it will not be accurate.
  • Place of birth (important and required)


  • This service is purely for entertainment. All services provided by me should NOT be taken as advice to follow, but only as guidance for your current situation or insight on what you should do next.
  • I do not allow sales to individuals under the age of 18 unless you are ordering from your parent’s account that is listed in their name, and are doing so with their explicit permission.
  • I won't answer any medical questions, if you don't feel well, seek help from a professional. I will not be responsible for any actions taken as a result of my readings.
  • Please do NOT purchase a reading if you’re expecting all answers to be positive. I do not sugarcoat.
  • Please do NOT purchase if you’re trying to undermine our beliefs, or if you do not believe in the spiritual world.
  • No items will be shipped as this is an online service.
  • We do not provide face-to-face readings at the moment.


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