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Okay, so this question comes up a lot, and I don't want to toss it into the FAQ section. It deserves its own spotlight for a clearer explanation of every scenario.

Do spells and magick really work?


Just a quick reminder, this is why we suggest getting a tarot reading before diving into a spell. If you skip the tarot, success isn't guaranteed.

But here's the scoop: the effectiveness of a spell depends on you, your situation, and, well, your effort.

Now, the whole white magick vs. black magick debate? Not always as straightforward as it seems. For complicated issues, even black magick might need more than five sessions to fix things (speaking from experience here).


Let's simplify. White and black magick act as spell-boosters, a form of prayer. The difference? White doesn't involve demons, while black does. Demons bring extra mojo, making black magick potentially more potent.

But overall, a spell's success hangs on:

  1. Your Willpower:

    • How much you believe in the spell and your connection to the spiritual world.
  2. Your Mental State:

    • Not mental health, but having your mind in a good state despite any mental illnesses.
  3. Your Effort:

    • How much you're willing to put in.

Clients with success stories usually went all in, like one client who not only relied on me but also trusted the spell, believed in herself, and didn't give up—aka willpower. She even started manifesting reconciliation by following advice and burning candles.

People underestimate willpower, but it's a potent tool.

Common misconception: Spells depend on us spellcasters. Not entirely true. It heavily depends on you, your situation, etc. Casters need technique, sure, but it's not just us.

So, does the spell work? Depends on you, the situation, and those three things mentioned earlier. Also, remember, if the Universe isn't on board, some things won't happen, and that might be for the best. Spells are boosters, not fate-changers. We witches and wizards aren't masters of the Universe, just trying to help you get what you desire.

And don't think one session will do the trick. It's not as easy as movies portray. Be aware, not everything is meant for you, no matter how much effort you put in. Remember that we the witches and wizards are not fate-alterers.